Concrete Repairs & Coatings
We are specialists in the application of concrete repair and protective systems to remedy a host of concrete defects, all of which are specifically designed to preserve the life of the reinforced structure. We can therefore guide our clients through the process of diagnosis, repair and protection with a harmonised solution to provide long-term durability.
Conservation of Built Heritage
Historic buildings and structures are finite resources that require careful management and periodic conservation and repair to ensure they are preserved, and where possible enhanced for future generations to enjoy. Here at Corinthia, we are perfectly positioned and equipped with the necessary expert knowledge and on-site skills and expertise to do just that.
We are able to appraise, diagnose and devise the most appropriate remedial solution to a variety of structural concerns and defects. We are approved with a number of proprietary system manufacturers including Helifix, Thorhelical and Cintec and have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of structural repair and masonry reinforcement.